At AllTranstek, we keep our finger on the pulse of the rail industry so that we can keep you up to date with trends and new regulations we feel our customers should know about. That’s why we’re sending out this email: to keep you abreast of things you should know.
Earlier this year, the AAR published circular letter CPC-1375 which revised MSRP Section C-III, M-1002, Chapter 1 and Appendices A and D.
The AAR is starting a program to require service equipment to be entered into the Railinc Component Tracking program. As part of entry into the program, an AAR Component Identification (CID) bar code label is created for each item which will be used to associate it to the tank car in Umler when it is installed on the tank car.
Starting July 1st, all pressure relief valves being qualified (built or rebuilt) must be entered into the Railinc Component Tracking program. Any PRV that was qualified before July is not required to be entered into the Railinc Component Tracking program. However, if a PRV is not installed within 6 months from its qualified date, then it must be qualified again and entered into the Component Tracking program.
To prepare for the July 1st implementation date an AAR facility with activity codes C4a, C4m, or C5 must have their bar code label process approved by the AAR. Recently published circular letter C-13824 revised standard S-920 in regard to the approval process.
For more information regarding this new requirement please contact AllTranstek at